Capcom Store has four Mega Man X soundtracks for download
Added: 25.03.2014 3:15 | 7 views | 0 comments
"Now that the entire ten-disc digital version of the Japanese Mega Man soundtrack compilation (entitled ROCKCAN Sound E Can -Rockman 25th Anniversary overseas) is available on Capcom's online store, the publisher has decided to set their armcannons to blast off with four OSTs from the X series.
The Mega Man X, X2, X3 and X4 soundtracks are all available to download for $8.95 apiece and appear to be MP3 rips from the official 12-disc Rockman X Sound Box that released in Japan this past December.
The soundtracks were originally composed by a myriad of cherished composers, ranging from Mega Man X's Yuko Takehara (Breath of Fire II, Mega Man 6), Mega Man X3's Kinuyo Yamashita (Castlevania) and Mega Man X4's Toshihiko Horiyama (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney) among others." - Patrick Kulikowski
| Mega Man X8
Added: 24.03.2014 20:24 | 1 views | 0 comments
Unlock X's Ultimate Armour:
Complete the game with ALL of X's metals and ALL 8 armour pieces.
| Cloudbuilt Preview |GameZone
Added: 24.03.2014 18:15 | 5 views | 0 comments
The launch of Coilworks' parkour-centric third-person running and gunning adventure Cloudbuilt is nearly upon us. Thus far, the game's drawn comparisons to Mirror's Edge and Prince of Persia, with a persistent Mega Man vibe to it. But is that all the game is? We'll know for sure when it launches tomorrow, but judging from Coilworks' pre-release build of the game, it could definitely be much, much more.
| This Mighty No. 9 Gameplay Video Is Sure to Please Mega Man Fans
Added: 21.03.2014 21:30 | 7 views | 0 comments
Keiji Inafune's development team Comcept has released a gameplay video of its upcoming 2D platformer Mighty No. 9. The footage is based on an alpha build of the game.
Give it a look below.
| Keiji Inafune Stills Wants To Make Mega Man Legends 3 A Reality
Added: 21.03.2014 11:30 | 1 views | 0 comments

"I could still gather most of the original team, even right now"
| Mega Man X8
Added: 17.03.2014 23:18 | 4 views | 0 comments
Unlock X's Ultimate Armour:
Complete the game with ALL of X's metals and ALL 8 armour pieces.
| If You Want This Mega Man Jacket, You And 299 Other People Need To Pre-Order It
Added: 16.03.2014 21:15 | 26 views | 0 comments
Capcom has partnered with clothing designer Volante to create this very cool Mega Man-inspired jacket, but there's a catch if you want to get your hands on it.
| Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch 3.0b
Added: 15.03.2014 3:58 | 4 views | 0 comments
Blast your friends to pieces in Mega Man 8-bit
| Mega Man X8
Added: 12.03.2014 20:18 | 2 views | 0 comments
Unlock X's Ultimate Armour:
Complete the game with ALL of X's metals and ALL 8 armour pieces.
| Capcom Is Aware That We All Want A New Mega Man Collection, Thanks Very Much
Added: 09.03.2014 9:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

"Those 2004 / 2006 discs are getting pretty old at this point"
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